Digitalisation at the University of Vienna

Titelbild Digitalisierungsstrategie

Introduction: Statement by Vice-Rector Ronald Maier and documents on the Strategy

I am very glad to be able to offer you this Digitalisation Strategy as a roadmap for our exciting journey to implement digital innovations in the University of Vienna.

With this Strategy, we can unlock the enormous potential from the quality, diversity and networks at the University of Vienna for a self-determined, resilient and human-centred digital transformation.

Let us enable a fruitful digitalisation together.

Best regards,

Ronald Maier

Vice-Rector for Digitalisation and Knowledge Transfer


Find out more about the Digitalisation Strategy:

Projects addressing digital and social transformation

The University of Vienna participates in 14 of the digitalisation projects at public universities from 2020 to 2024, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research. The University of Vienna is leading the following four projects:

Open Education Austria Advanced

Open Education Austria Advanced is a project by Austrian universities that focuses on the joint development of a national infrastructure for Open Educational Resources (OER). Thus, it substantially contributes to digital innovation in teaching. The OERhub is a part of this infrastructure for OER. The OERhub is a search engine that provides open access to educational resources from the entire Austrian higher education area. Additionally, the project aims to establish a national OER certification body and provide services and continuing education programmes on the development of OER for teachers. Interested higher education institutions can also obtain advice on the institutional integration of OER and related services.

The Open Education Austria Advanced team builds on the potential that stems from the cooperation between e-learning centres, computer centres and libraries of partner universities. Moreover, the project also intends to develop synergies between open education and open science, and to integrate open practices.

For further information, please visit the project website (in German)

Austrian Transition to Open Access 2

Similar to its predecessor project Austrian Transition to Open Access, this project aims to advance the transition from closed to open access for academic publications. The provision of permanent and open access to academic information aims at a democratisation of knowledge.

The main goal is to build a national data hub that processes publication data in a way that it can be used for open access monitoring throughout Austria as well as negotiations with academic publishers. Compared to the funding of individual articles, such transformative agreements allow for cheaper and more efficient open access publishing. Moreover, the project aims to adopt measures to better identify and allocate open access publishing costs in the future. Additionally, a campaign raising awareness for the issue of predatory publishing will be developed. Using alternative metrics, the project also investigates whether open access increases the visibility of academic publications.

For further information, please visit the project website (in German)

Digitize! Computational social sciences in the digital and social transformation

Digitize! focuses on data-based social sciences and particularly on innovations and new possible applications, which arise as a result of digitalisation, for computational social sciences. Procedures, instruments and methods are refined and redeveloped to academically analyse social transformation in society, collect empirical data and combine it with innovations from data sciences, such as using algorithms for data analysis.

The project investigates and tests new digital data formats (e.g. big data), innovative data collection procedures (pilot online panel for surveys) as well as new methods and techniques for analysing social science data using algorithms. Furthermore, Digitize! examines the ethical and legal challenges and frameworks (e.g. data protection, consent, privacy) of computational social sciences in the context of digital and social transformation. For this purpose, joint standards and practices are established.

For further information, please visit the project website.

Teaching Digital Thinking

The goal of the project is to provide as many students as possible with digital competences to enable non-computer scientists to actively participate in shaping the digital transformation in cooperation with computer scientists. We design strategies for the development, teaching, dynamisation and sustainable implementation in order to provide new content, didactic methods and prototypes for teaching digital competences.

For this purpose, we aim to create an Austria-wide concept for the training of students in basic information technology skills and for the prototypical transformation of digital skills in the curricula.

For further information, please visit the project website.

Your contact person for these projects

Your contact person for these projects:

Christian Kracher, BA MA

T: +43-1-4277-14012
M: +43-664-60277-14012

Interview with Christian Kracher

Foto von Christian Kracher

Christian Kracher is coordinator for digital transformation at the University of Vienna. In this interview, he talks about his role in coordinating the 14 digitalisation projects in which the University of Vienna is participating.

To the interview (in German, audio, mp3)

Publication of the Cloud Strategy of the University of Vienna

The Cloud Strategy adopted by the Rectorate in July 2021 aims at supporting university members in using cloud services. It defines the framework conditions for the members of the University of Vienna to be able to sustainably and safely use innovative cloud services for research, teaching and administration. 

Further informationen

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Research data management at the University of Vienna

Research data management as part of academic practice is becoming more and more important. Researchers should receive the best possible support in the management of research data. The University of Vienna has launched a new website on research data management: Please visit for the Research Data Management (RDM) Policy of the University of Vienna, an overview of infrastructure and services as well as important information and helpful resources on research data management.  

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